Category Archives: Books

Net’s Best Satire

I was honored to have some of the articles I write for included in this great new eBook. According to the press materials, “This collection of media stories brings together some of the funniest, most insightful pieces of parody and sharp irony available. Comprised of nearly 70 individual humor pieces by 28 authors, the book offers a burning critique of everything that happened in 2011.”

Adult content, not intended for readers under the age of 18.

You can get the book for your Kindle or Nook. Only 3.99.

Have You Seen the Tickle Bug?

Zeke the Zookeeper’s prized new insect, the Tickle Bug, escapes from his shiny gold cage at the zoo and sets off on a journey to do what truly makes him happy – tickling people.

Cuckoo Concertos presents its very first children’s book, “Have You Seen the Tickle Bug?” It’s ideal for the K through 4th grade crowd — and perfectly satisfying for the Kindergartener in all of us.

Written and Illustrated
by Braddon Mendelson